Dia-Root Bio Sealer


 Richard Mounce, DDS

Introduced in 2020, Dia-Root Bio Sealer is a premixed bioceramic calcium silicatebased MTA sealer designed to improve root canal therapy. Its nonshrinking and strong bond make it ideal for permanent obturation and all gutta-percha obturation techniques. With biocompatible and antibacterial properties, Dia-Root Bio Sealer supports tissue health while ensuring a long-lasting seal thanks to superior bonding, low solubility, washout resistance, and optimal flowability.

“One of the things I really like about Dia-Root Bio Sealer is its consistency and its strong hermetic characteristics that promote sealing. It has excellent flow characteristics and is compatible with my obturation techniques.”

                              - Richard Mounce, DDS

15/47 district 4 – New Damietta, Damietta – Egypt

